80 x 60 cm
materials: Canvas from the performance Hörund, polaroid series from the artist, encaustic painting, oil, natural pigments, coil, textile, cotton and linen canvas.
The painting was made in the period 2015 – 2021
It contains material from the performance work Hörund from 2015 and a polaroid photo series of the artist with the painting from 2021.
The work was shown at the solo exhibition Under Layers at Þula in Reykjavík 2021.

Hörund/Skin, 2015
Exhibited at Kynleikar//Genderplay in Ekkisens.
In collaboration with artist Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir and Júlía Mogensen
Soil, two female bodies, canvas, bodies, berries and life soundscape.