I cut myself on the staple gun
50 x 60 cm
materials: Canvas from the performance Hörund, blood from the artist, encaustic painting, oil, natural pigments, coil, textile, cotton and linen canvas
Ég skar mig á heftibyssunni/ I cut myself on the staple gun
I started re-using (recycling) materials from my earlier performances, leftover materials with history, time and footprints inside my paintings. In this painting, I reuse the three- dimensional painting we created in the performance Hörund/Skin above. I cut the material and started constructing the visual structure inside the work with different materials and shapes, and sew it together.
When I was stretching the canvas I cut myself on the staple gun and the blood started dripping from my finger to the cotton canvas.
The painting becomes a happening within a happening. Reusing old material from earlier happening/performances as unexpected things happen that I can not control. So I let go, as the work takes over the journey and I stop controlling. And there it is, finished as I cut myself on the staple gun.