Fjallabak/Mountain range
110 x 140 cm , Reykjavík
Encaustic painting, oil, pigments, textile, coil, cotton and linen canvas
Mountain range is the first painting I made with these artistic material I have been developing, experimenting and researching lately.
Where I have been making experiments with how to involve the body, time and human emotions inside the form of still painting I´m demonstrating in this portfolio.
In this work, I add different pictures together, drawings, lines, shapes. By painting on a material, ripping it up, and sawing it back together, By structuring them and deconstructing. The Mountain ranget, is the emotional mountain journey within. Delving into existential philosophy has helped me emotionally and artistically develop as an artist and create these series of my paintings, and this work, Mountain range, was the beginning of that journey.